06 February 2007

it's snowing

it's snowing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when i woke up this morning i didn't want to get up as i had a sore leg not knowing what was outside i decided to get breakfast in bed which was lovelly and couldn't wait to go back to sleep but i couldn't as i had a sore leg so i went back to reading my novel as i love reading and couldn't wait to get home and finish it everyday but i was too tired but i read on.

when i eventually had to go to the toilet i had to pass my parents room to get to it and my father is a grumpy gutts when he is cold (or any other time) when i got back into my room again i had got into my bed and started to read my book when my mother came back down at 8.45 to get me back up and said that it was snowing and i didn't believe her so i didn't and she said to go and see their car before my dad wiped off the snow and when i looked out the window it was amazing.

when i got out it was freezing and i couldn't wait to go to school for the first time this year but i had to stop in the shop and get an auto trader for my mother so i decided that i wanted a packet of sweets and she gave me the money as i am skint when i came out it was really really cold so i really couldn't wait to go to school when driving down the road it was really slippy and we were slipping and sliding all over the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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